: Bye bye Hookmark, apparently my current subscription ended. I cannot justify subscribing to this app …

: I spent some time this morning to update my content creator toolset mini website. It was long …

: Why So Many Publishing Platforms? For long-time readers and followers, they know that I own a few websites or publishing places, but a …

: Combining Craft And Things 3 For My Writing Projects This article is about how I’m using Craft and Things 3, which is behind any short or long article I …

: ❗Short announcement: I made some changes to my megafeed hosted on FeedPress by adding Blips RSS feed …

: On Sharing My Writings — What Goes Where I recently got a few comments and questions from some followers on Micro.blog about my use of …

: The Date of Publication is a Must - Updated 2024-03-15 Have you ever searched the web for an article where you couldn’t see when it was published? It …

: No More Photo Duplicates Hopefully I decided to disable cross-posting from my Glass feed to Bluesky and Pixelfed. This should fix the …

: If you want a peak at my current reading notes management workflow, you might find this video …

: 🔗 Mobivention announces its own iOS App Marketplace As detailed by the company in a press release, …

: How Do I Read and Process an Article Let’s say I stumble on an article I wish to read and process. I’ll follow the following steps, …

: Each week, I use this template in Things 3 to help me out with my planning. Each Sunday, I duplicate …

: Today I added a new global changelog1 page to my metablog. The changelog will cover all the changes …

: Some Hurdles to Fix Already I encountered my first few hurdles in transposing my content from a Craft document to a Micro.blog. …

: Browsing Past Published Articles on Ghost Circumventing Ghost’s limited posts management capabilities. I recently decided to spend some …

: Let's start something new. Again. This blog is a Micro.blog hosted version of the Craft-hosted version. I’m currently in the …

: Instapaper vs Pocket — Which Read Later Service is Better for Me As much as I love Craft, its current version is unsuitable as a read-later solution. I do keep a …

: My Blogger Workflow as of 2021-12 My previous blogger workflow update was in March 2021. Quite many things have happened since then. …

: Moving From Substack to Ghost — My Experience Digital nomads. The flavour of the day. Looking for a better digital experience? Every reason is …

: Migrating My Content From HEY World to Substack Yesterday, I put an end to my HEY World experiment. After making the call, I wanted to keep my …

: Bye Bye Universe — It Was a Nice Ride Nearly a year ago, I introduced my Numeric Citizen Visual Space, a website made with Universe, a …

: The Value of Using Links and References Let’s put aside « link posts » (like this one) for a minute or two, the time required to read this …

: Which App or Service is Best? Recently, I had a chance to read and participate in two different discussions about which app, …

: Should I Try Write.As? I Came, I Saw, Then I Left I saw someone on Micro.blog using Write.as a platform for publishing a blog. After spending a few …

: My Blogger Workflow as of 2021-03 This is the first post on Numeric Citizen I/O about my blogger workflow. This website’s mission is …

: Showing Support for Real Mac Software I bought Nova in support of real Mac software developers So, I decided to buy Nova, the best client …

: Ghost 4 is Out! So What? Ghost 4 is out, but is lacking one major feature. Now, at version 4, Ghost, a self-hosting …

: Tips and Tricks on Optimizing Articles Exposure on Medium To make a dent on Medium, optimizing exposure is a must. I’ve been on Medium for many years, and I …

: Cleaning up my WordPress Blog Simpler is better. If you know about WordPress, you probably know how bloated your WordPress site …

: A Really Useful Git Beginner’s Guide I’m using Git to maintain this blog, which runs on Blot. Up until now, my Git knowledge has come …

: Editing on the Go Is a Must Editing and publishing on the go is a must, after all. This weekend, I’m away from home. I thought I …

: Using the iPad for Editing Blot Posts With a Git Client Editing new content from the iPad for this blog poses some challenges. I started writing this post …

: Thinking Again About Text Editors Thinking about text editor apps. Following a recent article from Jason Snell about finding the best …

: This Blog Uses Commento - Here is Why - Updated 2024-03-10 You can leave a comment on each blog post, thanks to Commento, you’re not being tracked. When …

: Testing wall.blot.im Testing a web-based blog post publishing tool for posting directly to Blot from a webpage. I’m …

: Learning a Bit of Blot’s Internals I made a few layout changes to my archives page. Someone on Micro.blog posted something from its …

: Documenting Blog Changes Using Git instead of Dropbox for Blot content syncing provides an unexpected benefit. As I recently …

: Archiving my Content from Micro.blog to GitHub Micro.blog allows for archiving all content to GitHub. Here is why I did it. This blog post is about …

: The Initial Blot Setup Setting up this blog with Blot was pretty straightforward. It all started as an experiment. But now, …

: Selecting a GIT Client Selecting a GIT client for the Mac is a bit harder than I thought. When I decided to create this …

: Where Micro.blog Fails for Me I’ve been a user of Micro.blog since 2018. At first, I wasn’t sure I would like the place. …

: The First Post of a Long Series Writing about my numeric experience isn’t new for me. When I was an indie iOS developer …

: My Updated Blogger Workflow as of 2021-01 As a content creator, I’m always looking for new ways, tools and services to improve my workflow to …

: My Updated Blogger Workflow as of 2020-11 It’s been a while since I updated my blogger workflow. The last time was back in September of 2020. …

: My Updated Blogger Workflow as of 2020-09 Since the last update to my blogger workflow, Substack has been an important addition. Here is why …

: My Updated Blogger Workflow as of 2020-08 A few important additions have occurred since my last update to my blogger workflow. Here is my …

: My Updated Blogger Workflow as of 2020-05 Quite a few things have happened since my previous blogger workflow update in March. Mailbrew is in, …

: My Updated Blogger Workflow as of 2020-03 Initially published a month ago, my blogger workflow received a lot of traction, and since then, I …

: Introducing my Blogger Workflow — 2020-02 If you are a blogger like me, you may find it interesting to learn about what tools other bloggers …