Meta The RSS feed for Meta.

  • I spent some time this morning to update my content creator toolset mini website. It was long overdue.

  • ❗Short announcement: I made some changes to my megafeed hosted on FeedPress by adding Blips RSS feed and this metablog RSS feed. If you want to get everything I share via a single RSS feed, this is what you need to subscribe to in your favourite browser. All updates to my digital presence are posted on this changelog page. Now, returning to normal programming. 📺

  • No More Photo Duplicates Hopefully

    I decided to disable cross-posting from my Glass feed to Bluesky and Pixelfed. This should fix the photo duplicates on your timeline each time I post a new image on Glass. Sorry for the inconvenience. The problem was simple: Let’s say I share an image on Glass, picks it … read more

  • Each week, I use this template in Things 3 to help me out with my planning. Each Sunday, I duplicate the whole project and rename it accordingly. I love Things 3[^1]. [^1] I tried to do this in Apple Reminders but I prefer Things 3 experience.

  • Some Hurdles to Fix Already

    I encountered my first few hurdles in transposing my content from a Craft document to a Craft enables rich document content and supports block types like JSON output or command line examples. Posts containing these need special Markdown attention. Thanks to some help1, I figured that … read more

  • Let's start something new. Again.

    This blog is a hosted version of the Craft-hosted version. I’m currently in the slow process of copying my content over here. read more

  • My Blogger Workflow as of 2021-03

    This is the first post on Numeric Citizen I/O about my blogger workflow. This website’s mission is metablogging, which means writing about the tools and services that I use as a blogger and content creator. I hope you enjoy the ride here. This is the most comprehensive update yet. In this workflow … read more

  • The First Post of a Long Series

    Writing about my numeric experience isn’t new for me. When I was an indie iOS developer (2009-2013)1, almost at the same time I started learning Objective-C, I opened a Blogger site called “”2. The idea behind this was to share my experience of learning a new language and a new … read more

  • My Updated Blogger Workflow as of 2021-01

    As a content creator, I’m always looking for new ways, tools and services to improve my workflow to be as efficient as possible. If something no longer fits my needs, I’m not afraid to make changes. The last update to my blogger workflow dates back to last November. Since then, I made quite a few … read more

  • My Updated Blogger Workflow as of 2020-11

    It’s been a while since I updated my blogger workflow. The last time was back in September of 2020. It’s time for some tweaks. The number of services I pay for has increased. Now, I’m paying for IFTTT and Buffer. IFTTT has improved its offerings this year and started to offer a paid tier. I recently … read more

  • My Updated Blogger Workflow as of 2020-09

    Since the last update to my blogger workflow, Substack has been an important addition. Here is why and how I’m using Substack, a content publishing platform that is gaining traction for writers and bloggers like me. Why Substack? As you probably know, I recently started something new: a monthly … read more

  • My Updated Blogger Workflow as of 2020-08

    A few important additions have occurred since my last update to my blogger workflow. Here is my updated blogger workflow as of 2020-08. The arrival of the controversial HEY email service has enhanced how I consume information. I recently published my thoughts on HEY. I’m happy to report HEY is now … read more

  • My Updated Blogger Workflow as of 2020-05

    Quite a few things have happened since my previous blogger workflow update in March. Mailbrew is in, Apple News is out, forgot about Reddit and a few surprises. Let’s dig in. The biggest change is the introduction of Mailbrew Mailbrew comes in to complement News Explorer as a tool to help me more … read more

  • My Updated Blogger Workflow as of 2020-03

    Initially published a month ago, my blogger workflow received a lot of traction, and since then, I made a few important changes. Today, I want to address how I consume content and which tools I use to support my research. A significant change was made to how I manage and consume RSS feeds. I … read more

  • Introducing my Blogger Workflow — 2020-02

    If you are a blogger like me, you may find it interesting to learn about what tools other bloggers are using. If you are not (yet) a blogger, you’ll see what it takes to start and thrive! As a long-time blogger, I’m happy to share all the details about my workflow with you. You’ll learn about the … read more