Writing about my numeric experience isn’t new for me. When I was an indie iOS developer (2009-2013)1, almost at the same time I started learning Objective-C, I opened a Blogger site called “buildingiphoneapps.com2. The idea behind this was to share my experience of learning a new language and a new programming platform. I wanted to share my discoveries, my challenges, etc. It was fun while it lasted. This website started my experience of being a blogger. So, today, welcome to Numeric Citizen I/O - a metablog from Numeric Citizen.

Meta definition according to Wikipedia:

Any subject can be said to have a metatheory, a theoretical consideration of its properties, such as its foundations, methods, form and utility, on a higher level of abstraction. In linguistics, grammar is considered as being expressed in a metalanguage, language operating on a higher level to describe properties of the plain language (and not itself).


This blog is all about meta-blogging3. What? You might think? In other words, this blog is about the tools, services and workflow I depend on daily to build and maintain my online presence. I think that many people find it interesting to know how things are done behind the scenes. This is the purpose of this blog. From time to time, I’ll post updates when a new tool, application, or service comes into play. I’ll also document workflow changes or retired services. From now on, updates will be published here. While waiting for the next post and to get a sense of my current blogger workflow, consider the following diagram. It doesn’t reflect the presence of this blog yet. Wait for an update very soon.


But why use a separate website to write about blogging? I’m glad you asked. Here is why. Each of my websites has a specific audience and content type. Think of my websites as different specialized TV channels. Each of them fills a specific role or targets a specific audience. I think it is better for a blog to stay focused on its core subjects. Each website can have its own personality and visual theme to support it. That’s why.

Make sure to visit the About page for more details about this blog. You can leave a comment, too; I would be more than happy to engage in the conversation! To do so, just hit the post’s publishing date to see an individual post and add your comment at the bottom. Thanks.

  1. I developed a password manager for the iPhone. ↩︎

  2. I think part of this website is still available on the internet archive. ↩︎

  3. WARNING This site is nearly ready to serve its purpose. Things will probably change a bit in the next few weeks, though. ↩︎