• Bye Bye Universe — It Was a Nice Ride

    Nearly a year ago, I introduced my Numeric Citizen Visual Space, a website made with Universe, a website creation application running on iPhone, iPad and macOS. This space never really took off and never attracted traffic, probably because of its lack of a social network dimension. In retrospect, … read more

  • The Value of Using Links and References

    Let’s put aside « link posts » (like this one) for a minute or two, the time required to read this article. Recently, I noticed that links in published content vary a lot from one author to another. Some bloggers or writers use many links, while others barely include any. I thought that was … read more

  • Which App or Service is Best?

    Recently, I had a chance to read and participate in two different discussions about which app, feature or service is better for a specific task or use case. In the first case, someone was asking about Ulysses handling of Markdown links. The question triggered a really enlightening discussion about … read more

  • Should I Try Write.As? I Came, I Saw, Then I Left

    I saw someone on Micro.blog using Write.as a platform for publishing a blog. After spending a few minutes on the blog and Write.as website, I find it very tempting; it’s clean, super simple, well-thought-out, and cheap. Maybe I should try it? Or maybe not. I’m already spread too thin. I feel it … read more

  • My Blogger Workflow as of 2021-03

    This is the first post on Numeric Citizen I/O about my blogger workflow. This website’s mission is metablogging, which means writing about the tools and services that I use as a blogger and content creator. I hope you enjoy the ride here. This is the most comprehensive update yet. In this workflow … read more

  • Showing Support for Real Mac Software

    I bought Nova in support of real Mac software developers So, I decided to buy Nova, the best client for editing and publishing content to this Blot website using Git and Markdown. MacStories published a review of Nova just yesterday, emphasizing that Nova feels like a real MacOS application. I felt … read more

  • Ghost 4 is Out! So What?

    Ghost 4 is out, but is lacking one major feature. Now, at version 4, Ghost, a self-hosting publishing platform, is buzzing again. To me, Ghost always looked like a modern version of WordPress. They share many similarities. The close integration of website and newsletter publishing is way better than … read more

  • Tips and Tricks on Optimizing Articles Exposure on Medium

    To make a dent on Medium, optimizing exposure is a must. I’ve been on Medium for many years, and I learned a few tips on maximizing article exposure along the way. These tips and tricks made a difference for me. If you plan to submit an article to a Medium publication, beware of busy publications: … read more

  • Cleaning up my WordPress Blog

    Simpler is better. If you know about WordPress, you probably know how bloated your WordPress site can become with heavy visual themes and lots of more or less useful plugins installed. Those using WordPress.com for hosting their WordPress website know how pushy WordPress.com can be. They really want … read more

  • A Really Useful Git Beginner’s Guide

    I’m using Git to maintain this blog, which runs on Blot. Up until now, my Git knowledge has come from YouTube. Today, I came across this Git beginner’s guide that I wish I had on hand before starting this blog. The nice thing about this guide is that it covers the command line commands plus a … read more

  • Editing on the Go Is a Must

    Editing and publishing on the go is a must, after all. This weekend, I’m away from home. I thought I could get away with it and skip editing Blot posts on the go on the iPad. I was wrong. As I wrote at length here, the jury is still out on the best way to achieve this. For now, on the iPad, Working … read more

  • Using the iPad for Editing Blot Posts With a Git Client

    Editing new content from the iPad for this blog poses some challenges. I started writing this post using my iPad, Working Copy and Textastic1. The file was initially created within Working Copy’s sandbox, but I fetched content from the Blot Git repo to store the most recent changes locally on my … read more

  • Thinking Again About Text Editors

    Thinking about text editor apps. Following a recent article from Jason Snell about finding the best markdown editor for the iPad, I started thinking about using Ulysses for all my text editing needs. Is it the best tool for all use cases? Probably not. But it is cross-platform, and for me, … read more

  • This Blog Uses Commento - Here is Why - Updated 2024-03-10

    You can leave a comment on each blog post, thanks to Commento, you’re not being tracked. When I created the Numeric Citizen I/O blog, I thought it would need a way for visitors to be able to leave comments as they see fit. I decided to go the Commento route because of its tight integration … read more

  • Testing wall.blot.im

    Testing a web-based blog post publishing tool for posting directly to Blot from a webpage. I’m currently testing a straightforward blog post publishing tool running on a webpage. The tool is accessible at https://wall.blot.im. I wrote a front matter; I guess Blot will process it as usual. The … read more

  • Learning a Bit of Blot’s Internals

    I made a few layout changes to my archives page. Someone on Micro.blog posted something from its Blot website and I noticed he was using an unknown meta tag in the post’s front matter: metadata.icon. He used a tag to add an icon to each of its blog post. I wanted to know how Blot actually used this … read more

  • Documenting Blog Changes

    Using Git instead of Dropbox for Blot content syncing provides an unexpected benefit. As I recently wrote, Blot supports two mechanisms for synchronizing content from my Mac to the web: Dropbox or Git. I chose Git. As I write this, I’m still testing Nova as the Git front-end (I’m a GUI type of guy). … read more

  • Archiving my Content from Micro.blog to GitHub

    Micro.blog allows for archiving all content to GitHub. Here is why I did it. This blog post is about explaining a Micro.blog allowing me to archive all my blog posts, including images and why I do it. First, you must know that Micro.blog already provides an archiving feature of all blog posts to the … read more

  • The Initial Blot Setup

    Setting up this blog with Blot was pretty straightforward. It all started as an experiment. But now, it’s not. It’s something permanent1. In less than a day, everything was set up and running. From the setup of the domain name (with GoDaddy) to having an actual site available for browsing. This is … read more

  • Selecting a GIT Client

    Selecting a GIT client for the Mac is a bit harder than I thought. When I decided to create this blog using Blot.im, I had to select the synchronization mechanism between my Mac and the Blot.im service. Blot.im offers two choices: Dropbox (easy, seamless, but too invasive and bloated software) or … read more