Browsing Past Published Articles on Ghost
Circumventing Ghost’s limited posts management capabilities.
I recently decided to spend some time editing past articles published on my Numeric Citizen Space website. I first thought that by going to my Ghost admin page, I could quickly browse past published articles by month. I couldn’t be more wrong. In fact, Ghost offers limited post management capabilities, thanks to its limited content browsing capabilities. I cannot go back, say, list articles published early in 2023. I can sort by ascending or descending order, but from there, I have to scroll through a long, dynamically created list of posts. It’s not very effective for a website with 600-plus posts. I had to find a different option to locate a post for an update. This is where Ghost’s content APIs come into play.
The following API request doesn’t do the job (API key voluntarily removed!):
curl -H "Accept-Version: v5.0" "https://numeric-citizen-introspection.ghost.io/ghost/api/content/posts/?key={APIkeygoeshere}&fields=title,url,published_at,updated_at&filter=published_at:>2024-01-01%2Bpublished_at:<2024-02-01" | json_pp
Let me explain what is this API request.
First, I’m going to the request using the macOS command line, hence the
command. Next, the whole query follows in quotes. I query the content/posts API endpoint. Next, I pass my API key, followed by a field selection (&fields
), and next with the filter using the published date between two dates. Finally, I pipe the results in the pretty JSON print macro (is this a macro?) so the output looks like this:jfm@CraftingMAChine ~ % curl -H "Accept-Version: v5.0" "https://numeric-citizen-introspection.ghost.io/ghost/api/content/posts/?key={API-key-goes-here}&fields=title,id,url,published_at,updated_at&filter=published_at:>2024-01-01%2Bpublished_at:<2024-02-01" | json_pp { "meta" : { "pagination" : { "limit" : 15, "next" : null, "page" : 1, "pages" : 1, "prev" : null, "total" : 9 } }, "posts" : [ { "id" : "65b6a09840566000015b0d37", "published_at" : "2024-01-28T13:50:19.000-05:00", "title" : "My Weekly Creative Summary for the Week of 2024/03", "updated_at" : "2024-01-28T13:50:19.000-05:00", "url" : "https://numericcitizen.me/my-weekly-creative-summary-for-the-week-of-2024-03/" }, { "id" : "65b6540640566000015b0cf7", "published_at" : "2024-01-28T08:23:26.000-05:00", "title" : "Special Message to Paying Subscribers", "updated_at" : "2024-01-28T08:23:26.000-05:00", "url" : "https://numericcitizen.me/special-message-to-paying-subscribers/" }, { "id" : "65b16e25bc7fde0001314ccb", "published_at" : "2024-01-24T15:09:24.000-05:00", "title" : "The Mac Turns 40", "updated_at" : "2024-01-24T15:09:24.000-05:00", "url" : "https://numericcitizen.me/the-mac-turns-40/" }, { "id" : "65ad35418532ae000169ddd2", "published_at" : "2024-01-21T10:22:33.000-05:00", "title" : "My Weekly Creative Summary for the Week 2024/02", "updated_at" : "2024-01-21T10:22:33.000-05:00", "url" : "https://numericcitizen.me/my-weekly-creative-summary-for-the-week-2024-02/" }, ] }
Next, I copy the post ID of one article and paste it my browser for edition using this special URL:
This URL brings me directly into the Ghost editor, provided that i was already authenticated with my account. That’s pretty much it. It could be much simpler. For this, I miss WordPress.
You can find the Ghost API document right here.
Documenting Blog Changes
Using Git instead of Dropbox for Blot content syncing provides an unexpected benefit.
As I recently wrote, Blot supports two mechanisms for synchronizing content from my Mac to the web: Dropbox or Git. I chose Git. As I write this, I’m still testing Nova as the Git front-end (I’m a GUI type of guy). One of the great benefits of using Git is the built-in history of commits that is at the core of any Git repo. As shown below, as I push updates to my Blot-based website, I make sure to write a short comment in the commit action to document the commit action. I think this is an important asset in managing a blog and owning its content.
A better view at the GIT panel in Nova: